Australia Awards #WLI2023 LeadershipConnect program

  Are you an Australia Awards scholar or alumni from the Pacific who is interested in building your leadership capacity, making a difference, and connecting with like-minded Pacific Islanders?

Applications for the #WLI2023 Leadership Connect program are now open!

Australia Awards #WLI2023 LeadershipConnect program
Australia Awards #WLI2023 LeadershipConnect program[Photo by Australian Awards]

Participants of the six-month tailored program of leadership learning, networking and support from Australia Awards #WLI have a chance to access:

  •  online leadership lessons with experts and high-profile speakers,
  •  reflection sessions with the network of WLI changemakers from the Pacific,
  •  free counselling, advice and support,
  •  a study tour or internship anywhere in the Pacific or Australia, by application.

Alumni of the program have said:

  • “LeadershipConnect has given me the confidence to consider some of the changes I need to make to become a good leader.” 
  •  “LeadershipConnect gave me a new way of seeing things and I don’t want to go back to what I was before.” 

Australia Awards scholars and alumni of all genders from the Pacific Islands can apply now until 11.59pm AEST, Wednesday 22 February 2023.

The first online “Leadership Zoom” session will commence Wednesday 1 March 2023.

How to apply

The application process is online. Apply on the link below


Due date :  11.59pm AEST, Wednesday 22 February 2023

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